How to choose your med school.
Deciding on which med school you will attend really depends on your own goals and values. Here is how I chose mine:
- The curriculum is problem based learning which I LOVE. Passively listening to lectures isn’t best for me, but activelearning is.
- Their average board scores were impressive.
- I want to be a DO, I have always known that I want to take a holistic approach as a physician and the DO philosophy fits my own beliefs and value system.
- The location. I lived in PA for 25 years. I knew I needed to uproot my life so that I could truly focus on my education for a few years.
- I was shocked at how happy the students were. They weren’t miserable like I was expecting lolz. They appeared balanced and they seemed to genuinely like school.
- I felt so excited on my tour of the school. I truly felt like I was in the right place and when I left my tour I knew if I got in I would go. I toured other schools and didn’t have that same excitement.
- Cost. Tuition differences between medical schools can be huge. This program helped me to minimize my debt.
Everyone is different, so take the time to explore your own values and goals when comparing programs!